Three Benefits of Using Facebook for Business

Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family but did you know that it can also be a low-cost marketing tool for your business? When used effectively, Facebook can be an extremely useful tool to generate increased web traffic and higher sales. Here are a few benefits that this unassuming marketing tool has:

Facebook is cheap.

Traditional marketing channels such as billboard, television and print advertising may cost businesses thousands of dollars whereas a Facebook campaign may only cost you a few dollars. This makes Facebook advertising the perfect tool for small to medium-sized business with a limited budget for marketing. The best thing about Facebook campaigns is that you can set the budget as low or as high as you like as well as experiment with various permutations until you know what works best for you.

Facebook is informative.

When making purchase decisions, customers will often also look to a business’ Facebook page along with their website to assist with their decision. By including as much information as possible (business name, address, offerings, promotions etc), customers can make better informed decisions on the spot.

Facebook allows you to directly talk to your customers.

You can also use Facebook as a tool to answer customer queries and rectify issues that might come up during the purchase and post-purchase stage of the customer decision making process. The platform is also a great way to share interesting or funny links, photos and information relating to your offerings in a non-sales manner, thus increasing your credibility and customer engagement.

Have a go at building an informative Facebook page for your business, making sure you spend time each day to engage with customers and see what difference it makes to your business in the long run. Need help setting up or managing a Facebook page? No worries, we can assist you – just drop us a line over at our contact page!